Midweek Meets Tourist: A Weekday Excursion to Duluth, Minnesota

TGIF.  Live for the weekend.  Play hard.  We’ve all heard the buzz about weekend warriors and everything that can be jammed packed into 48 hours of non-worktime bliss.  Since my weekends typically consist of catching up on errands, cleaning, and yardwork, I thought it might be a tad more refreshing to take a quick midweek holiday!

Why not?

Let’s Travel to Duluth

Thanks to a flexible boss, the internet, and a reliable 2013 Toyota Corolla, I packed up my son, topped off the gas, and headed north.  A quick two-plus hour drive straight up I35, we arrived in the pretty port city of Duluth, Minnesota. 

A simply marvelous view.

Duluth’s Appeal

Plenty to do and see at a relaxing pace, Duluth is a waterfront delight which sits on the banks of Lake Superior.  Calm, cool, and collected, this place reminds me of a smaller, more laid-back version of the Twin Cities.  With, of course, the added appeal of sparkling blue waters and blue skies magnificently meeting across the horizon.

Perhaps it was my inner Pisces being channeled, or maybe it was just the temporary distraction of new places and new faces, but my stay here exceeded expectations. In short, I really enjoyed it! Keeping on track with an ode to simplicity, I had hoped to visit a sandy beach, walk the canal, and hike near a waterfall. I happily and smugly checked off my short “to do” list as a midweek tourist.

Keep things simple when sightseeing.

Emmanuel and I walked Canal Park Drive, admiring the aerial lift bridge and lighthouse, as well as the cute little shops dotting the walkways.  Next, we visited the Franklin Square Beach and dipped our feet in the water (say brrr) while combing the sand for sea glass (no luck).  And lastly, we hiked the residential-friendly Congdon Park which hosted a beautiful green and lush rustic walking trail with amazing waterfall views and natural sounds to the senses.

The Aerial Lift Bridge.
Souvenirs and snacks abound in Canal Park.
No swimsuit needed – too cold for a dive.
Natural wonders and waterfalls of Congdon Trails.

Perhaps you’re more into “manmade” attractions as my son would say.  No problem!  There are multiple family-friendly options to choose from, including an aquarium, several museums, and train tours, to name just a few.  Get the complete scoop HERE: https://visitduluth.com/explore.  So, the next time you’re in the mood for mellow, midweek Midwestern travel, try Duluth! 


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