Meditation: Keeping Calm in a Crazy World

Today’s ever-changing world can be taxing. National and global headlines are often crazy and chaotic. Are positivity, patience, and peace even possible?

Art of the Breath

Meditation is an ancient practice which focuses on breathing and letting thoughts flow freely. It has ties to multiple religions and cultures throughout the world. Now somewhat mainstream, it is a trend which truly does live up to its hype.

Mindful breathing is a simple way to rejuvenate.

I’ve been practicing morning meditation for over a decade now. Here’s what I have noticed: less worry, more patience, and a renewed sense of faith and hope. I also believe it has helped my complexion grow more smooth and supple! 

Just Breathe

I start by sitting casually in a lotus position, closing my eyes, and breathing…inhaling and exhaling in a series of 10. While fully aware of my breath, I often use this time to pray. It helps me connect to God, expressing my gratitude for His love and grace.

Those who have practiced Buddhist meditation know that meditating is above all being present: to yourself, to those you love, to life.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Outdoor morning meditation is bliss.
“They speak of the glorious splendor of your Majesty – I will meditate on your wonderful works” ~ Psalm 145:5

Just Begin

Start the process of peaceful contemplation, meditation, and prayer through small steps. Allow yourself to start with only 30 – 60 seconds of meditating time. Gradually you’ll adjust and begin to look forward to this special place of peace, quiet, and serenity when starting (or ending) your day.

A few of my favorite daily inspirational readings.

I also recommend reading from at least two books with positive affirmations and quotes each day. I personally enjoy books that are spiritual in nature as they give me both strength and motivation. It’s a beautiful, calming way to start the morning or end the evening.

A soothing candle and meditating at dusk inspires good sleep.

Daily Bliss

Keep in mind that the practice of meditation, along with reading, are the journey and not the destination. You may or may not feel their immediate effects but from my personal experience, you (and your family, friends, associates, etc.) will notice some very nice, subtle changes. Give it a try…what do you have to lose?


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