My Favorite Supplements

Staying fine and fit can be a challenge. Hectic schedules and commitments often take the cake over selfcare. Healthy eating seems to fall at the wayside…sometimes a little extra boost may be helpful!

Take a Peek

Look in your fridge and cupboards. Hopefully you spy lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean proteins. I realize it costs more to eat a healthy diet, but what better investment can you make in this lifetime than your overall health and well being?

Open me!
The more the merrier.

Aging well requires time and effort. While I generally feel good about what I eat, I do partake in several supplements here and there. I always keep in mind that supplements are exactly that; they are additions to an already healthy diet plan. 

Here They Are

Orgain Organic Protein Powder

Navitas Organics Superfood+Berry Blend

Navitas Superfood+Greens Blend

Natural Factors Pycnogenol

Natural Vitality Calm

A great group of dietary extras help me feel and look my best.

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Very Likable Indeed

The protein (Orgain) and super food blends (Navitas) are light yet nutritionally powerful with benefits to include increased energy, detoxification, and immunity. The magnesium (Calm) provides relief from stress and anxiety. A fabulous benefit of the Pycnogenol is its ability to help soften skin, whereby reducing fine lines and wrinkles. I have also found that it seems to have a nice slimming effect on the body. **

Simple kitchen gadgets make for on-the-go tasty and nutritious beverages.


Always talk with your doctor about any supplements you may be considering. Take the time to read nutrition labels and start with lower dosages. I also can’t stress the importance of implementing a basic healthy diet. Here is a fantastic vegetarian food guide from Loma Linda University:

Loma Linda is one of the world’s Blue Zones – people here typically live a decade longer than average.

Getting the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals can be accomplished with a little motivation and learning. As with most new habits, they must be done consistently for results. Start slowly and start today…your mind and body will thank you!

**These are benefits I have personally experienced; results may vary.


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