The Joy of Yoga

In my younger years I was a gym rat. In other words, I loved hanging out amongst other health enthusiasts and exercise equipment. The energy, music, and vibe always kept me coming back for more.

A blast from the past – body movement via the record player.

And Then

As career responsibilities and family commitments grew, my days at the gym came to a close. I started exploring a plethora of fitness styles at home. What started as simple stretching eventually led me to discover a free, portable, and effective form of exercise benefiting the mind, body, and spirit – yoga.

Short, simple, and sweet.

Tell Me More

Yoga is an ancient holistic practice which encompasses a series of physical postures in flow. Stretching, breathing, and meditating coexist to provide the yogi with better health and wellness. Through regular and continual practice, one hopes to reach a state of spiritual contentment, divinity, and bliss.

A beautiful way to move the body and soul.

Soft, gentle, and accommodating, yoga is wonderful for everyone. Whether beginner or expert, each is equally challenged and energized. Benefits of yoga include increased flexibility, coordination, strength, and relaxation.

Where to Start

Virtual yoga classes are available in abundance on internet platforms. Library books provide illustrations and photos of various poses for those new to the practice. In-person classes are an awesome way to stay motivated among like-minded yogis.

Lakeside yoga on a beautiful fall day.
Warrior pose helps with balance and stability.
Light weights and a walk add to my routine.

No matter the age, skill level, or ability, yoga is an all-inclusive form of exercise. Everyone, including children, the disabled, and the elderly can truly benefit from the mind-body connection it inspires.

As with any new form of exercise, please check with your doctor. Start slow and easy; respect your limitations. Consistency is key. Before you know it, your mental and physical state will gain more vigor, endurance, and clarity. Start today and experience the joy of yoga!

You can do it!


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