Fabulous Facial Skin Care: My Favorites (Part II)

As a teenager, I struggled with oily, pimply, and angry skin. After trying many astringent toners such as Sea Breeze and Clinique without success, I turned to a dermatologist. Once again, an alcohol-based toner was prescribed. Although it helped, it was not a gentle or desirable long-term solution.

It often helps to seek out our own answers in addition to professional advice.

Through a bit of research I discovered that toners aren’t even a necessity. Being a creature of habit, I just had to find something to replace this in my routine. That’s when I eventually and thankfully stumbled upon hydrosols.

The Power of Flower Water

Hydrosols, or flower waters, are the light yet powerful therapeutic byproducts of distilled plant materials. They provide soft and gentle healing through their plant-specific properties. Hydrosols may be used for skin, hair, and nail care (and around the home!)

The beauty and miracle of flowers, plants, and greenery are incredible.

When it comes to skin care, good hydration is imperative. Hydrosols help close pores after cleansing and prepare the skin for moisturizing. Used in conjunction with a simple skin care routine, our complexions reap their physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

Nature’s Versatility

Hydrosols are versatile and easy to use. For complexion care, simply spritz on to freshly cleansed skin. For body care, spray in larger areas after stepping out of the bath or shower. For aromatherapy, spritz onto wrists, neck, and body. For home therapy, spray onto linens or the like, noting that some hydrosols may lightly stain due to their herbal nature. 

Eau de Toilette is a ladies best friend.

My Routine

I personally use hydrosols in place of toners, astringents, and the like. After cleansing my face, I either directly spritz four to six times or spray into my hands and lightly pat my face. While still slightly damp, I gently massage my facial oil and moisturizer. Easy, natural, safe, and effective!

Cool, refreshing, and revitalizing.

My Mini-Collection

Although I try not to accumulate too much “stuff”, especially in the beauty category, hydrosols are one indulgence I do enjoy. My collection consists of five favorites: Rose, Rose Geranium, Lemon Balm, German Chamomile, and Cedarwood. Each has their own special properties, scents, and benefits.

Love my hydrosols.

Small Business, Big Impact

Another wonderful thing about hydrosols is that most are thoughtfully cultivated and produced by small business owners. Thanks to such savvy, Earth-loving people, we can easily connect with these awesome products. Feel free to shop for your own favorites or shop mine:

Enjoy your day!


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