Category: Lifestyle

  • Goodbye Mom

    It has been a tragic and traumatic year, watching my dear mother slowly lose her strength and resiliency to the insidious disease called dementia. The once witty and fiercely independent lady I viewed as a forever matriarch quickly morphed into a non-verbal, non-mobile, non-emotive shell of a person she once was. As time marched on,…

  • Self-Coaching in Spring

    The long, cold winter gives break to a beautiful new season full of hope and fresh beginnings. Spring is an uplifting time of renewal. I savor each precious moment that this bright time of the year brings. Abundant light, greenery, and fresh air abode everywhere. This glorious season helps us to grow, and to perhaps…

  • An Ode to the Manatee

    While I truly endear most animals, there is a creature I especially adore. Large, gentle, and gray, it gracefully glides through Florida’s springs and streams. This creature is known as the manatee. Ancient Swimmers Manatees have had a mystical history based on mermaid lore. Perhaps one can see the very slight resemblance – long torso,…

  • Finding Peace Amongst Life’s Imperfection

    In our fast moving world, I often feel as if I’m losing ground in some intangible way. While I revel in the start of a new year, I can honestly say that the past twelve months have been filled with stark discontent because of my dear mother’s health decline. I have been struggling with a…

  • Time For Tea

    In our fast-paced, highly fluid world I often wonder if there is any way to transcend time. One such way to do so is by brewing and enjoying a nice cup of hot tea. Setting aside a few minutes each day to relax, indulge, and contemplate is ideal. While I’ll admit that our winter has…

  • Granny Core Décor

    Living in a small space with less “stuff” is very freeing. It cuts costs, cleaning time, and clutter. In my quest to become more minimal, I usually pass on attractive things to fill my space; however, I recently spotted a deal I couldn’t pass up. Finding Treasure It all happened one fine day while sourcing…

  • Fabulous Facial Skin Care: My Favorites (Part II)

    As a teenager, I struggled with oily, pimply, and angry skin. After trying many astringent toners such as Sea Breeze and Clinique without success, I turned to a dermatologist. Once again, an alcohol-based toner was prescribed. Although it helped, it was not a gentle or desirable long-term solution. Through a bit of research I discovered…

  • Celebrating Veterans: My Story

    Many moons ago, I was an eager and excited teenager ready to explore the world. Not much for taking academics seriously, I decided to enlist in the U.S. Air Force. So in July of 1989, one month following my high school graduation, I set off to boot camp in San Antonio, Texas. School Days My…

  • The Joy of Yoga

    In my younger years I was a gym rat. In other words, I loved hanging out amongst other health enthusiasts and exercise equipment. The energy, music, and vibe always kept me coming back for more. And Then As career responsibilities and family commitments grew, my days at the gym came to a close. I started…

  • Tale of a Small Reseller

    I adore vintage goods and have been collecting unique things for many years. I would love to have a warehouse full of cherished finds but this probably isn’t realistic. The next best thing to do? Resell! Hobby to Profit I enjoy shopping for second-hand goods and “flipping” them for profit. Sourcing high-quality items and matching…