Category: Lifestyle

  • An Afternoon at the Orchard

    Fall. A beautiful time with beautiful sights to see. This wonderful change in season brings us one of nature’s sweetest treats – apples! And here in Minnesota, it’s orchard time. Where To So, on a cloudy Saturday in September, my son and I embarked on a mini-road trip across town. Our destination? The apple orchard!…

  • My Favorite Supplements

    Staying fine and fit can be a challenge. Hectic schedules and commitments often take the cake over selfcare. Healthy eating seems to fall at the wayside…sometimes a little extra boost may be helpful! Take a Peek Look in your fridge and cupboards. Hopefully you spy lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean…

  • Meditation: Keeping Calm in a Crazy World

    Today’s ever-changing world can be taxing. National and global headlines are often crazy and chaotic. Are positivity, patience, and peace even possible? Art of the Breath Meditation is an ancient practice which focuses on breathing and letting thoughts flow freely. It has ties to multiple religions and cultures throughout the world. Now somewhat mainstream, it…

  • Flamingos and Ice Cream

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Remember that? What is it about this sweet treat that makes even the fussiest eater say “aye”?! Ice cream has actually had its own evolutionary process. From the Far East to Europe to revolutionary America, this cold treat has never ceased to gain popularity from…

  • Flea Market for Mom

    Although the act of “cleaning out” one’s elderly parent’s home is not a happy process, sometimes finding a few gems brings back a bit of nostalgia and smiles. In my case, I found loads of handmade crafts while sorting mom’s basement. Not just any crafts, but beautifully detailed heirloom pieces reminiscent of a better time. …

  • West Coast Dreaming (and Driving)

    Road trip. Synonymous with freedom, summertime, and the American spirit. In my case, my eldest son’s fear of flying. What is it like to drive over 4000 miles roundtrip in the span of 14 days? Well, I can sure share. The What, Where, and How Long story short, we drove from Minnesota through Iowa, then…

  • Honor and Heartbreak: End of Life Caregiving

    My dearest blog readers, I realize it has been a long time since my last post. Thank you for your patience and my apologies for the delay. Let me explain. Apart from my usual optimism and stoicism, I must say that the past six months have been filled with moments of heartache, sorrow, and mental…

  • It’s Time For the Minnesota State Fair

    The days are slowly growing shorter. Later sunrises; earlier sunsets. Sultry yet dry, late summer weather. These are the days of the Minnesota State Fair…12 days full of sun, food, and fun! From the 1800s to the Present Starting in 1859, the Minnesota state fair originally featured agriculture as a means to boost the farming…

  • The Best Place to Thrift in Minneapolis

    Thrifting. Vintage. Second hand. Cost-effective, Earth-friendly, and fun. When did this all start? I was introduced to thrift stores at a young age. Growing up in a lower middle-class family, extra money was not always easy to come by. I had an inkling that our furniture, often purchased at the once huge and fabulous 1980s…

  • How To Clean the Tub

    Here at the trailer, we like to take hot, nightly baths. A combination of tradition and detoxification, this evening ritual is both physically and mentally soothing. I truly can’t think of a better way to wind down the stress, worry, and exhaustion of the day.   Baths; however, do generate a fair amount of grease and…