Category: Travel

  • An Ode to the Manatee

    While I truly endear most animals, there is a creature I especially adore. Large, gentle, and gray, it gracefully glides through Florida’s springs and streams. This creature is known as the manatee. Ancient Swimmers Manatees have had a mystical history based on mermaid lore. Perhaps one can see the very slight resemblance – long torso,…

  • An Afternoon at the Orchard

    Fall. A beautiful time with beautiful sights to see. This wonderful change in season brings us one of nature’s sweetest treats – apples! And here in Minnesota, it’s orchard time. Where To So, on a cloudy Saturday in September, my son and I embarked on a mini-road trip across town. Our destination? The apple orchard!…

  • West Coast Dreaming (and Driving)

    Road trip. Synonymous with freedom, summertime, and the American spirit. In my case, my eldest son’s fear of flying. What is it like to drive over 4000 miles roundtrip in the span of 14 days? Well, I can sure share. The What, Where, and How Long story short, we drove from Minnesota through Iowa, then…

  • It’s Time For the Minnesota State Fair

    The days are slowly growing shorter. Later sunrises; earlier sunsets. Sultry yet dry, late summer weather. These are the days of the Minnesota State Fair…12 days full of sun, food, and fun! From the 1800s to the Present Starting in 1859, the Minnesota state fair originally featured agriculture as a means to boost the farming…

  • A Weekend of Vintage in Annandale, Minnesota

    Lately I have been reliving fond memories of blue skies, clouds, trees, and water. As a youngster, I spent many summers at my grandparents’ lake home in rural Minnesota. Sun, fun, and family…what more could a child ask for? Inspired by times of old, as well as beautiful July weather, I felt a quick overnight…

  • Midweek Meets Tourist: A Weekday Excursion to Duluth, Minnesota

    TGIF.  Live for the weekend.  Play hard.  We’ve all heard the buzz about weekend warriors and everything that can be jammed packed into 48 hours of non-worktime bliss.  Since my weekends typically consist of catching up on errands, cleaning, and yardwork, I thought it might be a tad more refreshing to take a quick midweek…

  • A Day in Downtown Anoka, Minnesota

    Suburbia.  Land of malls, lifestyle centers, and fast food galore.  Has the pursuit of today’s trends caused us to lose touch with the slow but relaxing pace of the past? Enter the historic town of Anoka, Minnesota.  Located just a skip, hop, and jump from Minneapolis, this town offers plenty of old-world charm and character to…