Tag: health

  • Self-Coaching in Spring

    The long, cold winter gives break to a beautiful new season full of hope and fresh beginnings. Spring is an uplifting time of renewal. I savor each precious moment that this bright time of the year brings. Abundant light, greenery, and fresh air abode everywhere. This glorious season helps us to grow, and to perhaps…

  • A Nurse’s Unofficial Guide to Healing: Long COVID**

    The COVID virus paid me a visit in early January. It was a mild case that resembled a common cold and lasted for about a week. A short time later, however, I developed some other symptoms that I believe to be what has been termed “Long Covid”. Although I continued to function semi-normally, I had…

  • Fabulous Facial Skin Care: My Favorites (Part II)

    As a teenager, I struggled with oily, pimply, and angry skin. After trying many astringent toners such as Sea Breeze and Clinique without success, I turned to a dermatologist. Once again, an alcohol-based toner was prescribed. Although it helped, it was not a gentle or desirable long-term solution. Through a bit of research I discovered…

  • My Favorite Supplements

    Staying fine and fit can be a challenge. Hectic schedules and commitments often take the cake over selfcare. Healthy eating seems to fall at the wayside…sometimes a little extra boost may be helpful! Take a Peek Look in your fridge and cupboards. Hopefully you spy lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean…