Tag: skin care

  • Fabulous Facial Skin Care: My Favorites (Part II)

    As a teenager, I struggled with oily, pimply, and angry skin. After trying many astringent toners such as Sea Breeze and Clinique without success, I turned to a dermatologist. Once again, an alcohol-based toner was prescribed. Although it helped, it was not a gentle or desirable long-term solution. Through a bit of research I discovered…

  • Fabulous Facial Skin Care: My Favorites (Part I)

    True beauty starts within. A healthy, kind, and happy spirit provides a certain “glow” unattainable through any lotion, potion, or procedure. We can; however, give nature a little nurturing each day through a simple, consistent skin care routine. In one of my previous posts, I shared my personal morning pampering skincare steps. In a three-part…

  • Morning Skin Care Routine: Age 50+

    I’ve always had fussy, problematic skin. As a young child, I had body rashes and itching. As a teen, I had loads of facial acne. As a “mature” adult, I have age spots along with fine lines and wrinkles, not to mention irritating eczema during the winter months. My skin philosophy Mother Nature follows a…